The Broward County Black Chamber of Commerce Foundation was established in 2017 and created to be the educational and community arm of the Broward County Black Chamber of Commerce. The Foundation has a board, consisting of local business professionals, who are responsible for governance and ensuring the overall well being of the organization.
The purpose of the Foundation is to encourage promote wealth building through entrepreneurship and financial literacy. We focus on startup education, business basics sessions, as well as education to help increase capacity and provide information on new industries, business trends, and new opportunities. Lastly, we aim to increase access to financing and information as that may help close the financing gap.
Ultimately, we want to increase the number of strong, stable, black businesses, which will create more jobs and wealth in the community and reduce poverty. Overall, this makes our regional, state, and national economy stronger.
The Broward County Black Chamber of Commerce Foundation is dedicated to creating economically healthy communities through entrepreneurship and financial literacy education and technical assistance.

Jocelyn Carter-Miller

Kristen Goss, Esq.

E. Mike Gelin, CEBS

Donnette Russell-Love, Esq.

Benson Ellis

Shaheewa Jarrett, Esq.
Youth / Students
- Speaker Series - The Foundation has a monthly speaker program, where entrepreneurs share their life and business experiences with the students.
- Tech Day - The Foundation has also helped to organize and provided a keynote speaker for Dillard Tech Week, which introduces students to tech start-up concepts.
- Mentorship – We helped the students create a business for entrepreneurship competitions. Concrete business topics such as raising capital, pricing, business models, and marketing are covered.
- Our programming expanded this year to include Dillard High School, Boyd Anderson High School, and Walker Elementary School.
Adults /Community Wide Sessions
We host financial literacy workshops and sessions that are open to the community to close the wealth and information gaps. There is instruction on budgeting, improving credit scores, saving, retirement, purchasing life insurance, and much more. The goal is to prepare these families and small business owners for college expenses, buying a home, starting a business, investing or otherwise moving them up the economic ladder. We have also held sessions on getting certified, small business legal clinic, among other useful sessions.
The Foundation funds technical assistance, both in group and individualized sessions, on basic and advanced entrepreneurship topics. We utilize accounting, legal, marketing, and business services as part of our programming.
The Foundation believes in working with others in the community to achieve our goals.
We are grateful to our funding partners Truist, Comerica Bank, CVS/Aetna, FloridaBlue and Bank of America. The support of our funders is the lifeblood of the Foundation.
We have worked with other partners, such as the African-American Research Library and Cultural center, the Lauderdale Lakes Education Center, and we plan to add a few cities so we can run business centers in their cities.




Florida Blue
